torsdag 9 juli 2009

Supernova - Flarebahamut

Yes flares my friend and nowdays i play the char on the game even if flare do the occasionally visit.

Got to meet flare through my friends Leanaci and Aliyah. Found out also i know his other best friend Karelia so soon we both was friends also and ended up go on missions and things.

Flare are a good friend and formed a 3 man static with flare and got us all 3 out PCC, lol yeah took alotta bcnms but we had fun and made some more gils.

Flare also was the one that got me in my first Dynamis ls starcoma and well im still there lol joined as lv 70 blm back then now there still 62 relics or more later.

Flare also got me first sky ls and and got me up for first run lol Kirin thats kinda much back then as new sky person and only done a few dynamis lol, lol took hours to kill and i sorta sucked lv 70 blm are kinda hard lol but managed get killed then not got

Yes Flare one of the nicest germans i meet and he helped me with many things and we also lved and played with friends.

Did also get into blm KS burns helping flare and made me some gear and money from that back then had some really luck on d ingots and then they was 4 mill so wasnt to hard make millons hehe. Still have alotta gear i got back then and some of the gil got handy then the economy dropped.

Thanks flare for all help and nice things we did hehe, and you was the first learn me blm ways.

But flare had some rl problems with back so hard sit and play much so he decided to stop plavy the game, but as not wanted flare get to waste i took it over and let him get on then he wanted and i used flare as extended mule tele warp and etc help.
Later on after me pay for a year or so he gave me the account, but i still let him get on if he wants and we keep in touch over phone and pc.

I know alotta ppl know flare and had hime as friend got asked alotta first years and nowdays ppl mostly wonder why flare stand here and there lol i mostly leave flare on windy so they go wow you move then i get some place lol.

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