lördag 11 juli 2009

Bladerunner - Darkmercenary

This are new old friend lol, yeah well meet DM years ago but then not see him for years and made in speak new friends some time ago. And Yes another guy with a name that starts with Dark like me also. But hes DM and im DD.

He surfaced again poped up as Esors nyhl isle static lead and hmm think started with me help him out do some things extra they did and yes we remember we was friends some years back and had done things there you go remaking of old friends.

DM got me the floors i have on nyhl Isle all 50 now and yes you ppl might have read here before i have had 3 statics for floors past years and tried several pick ups friend runs etc but never got any floors. Seems need DM as luck for this lol, lol well havent been easy get all floors lol think my dics comes with a curse as many runs i pop get some freaky floors darn lol.
Thanks DM for the floors and rest of you also like Kauna, Brizzy, Tink and all else that have helped =).

Think of we did in past lol cant really remember but we talked lol.

Thx also for lend me gil to Ares body (which i should be able pay back like any day now) very nice of you and i sure had some use for it.

Foved alotta with DM and think now got him hooked lol and hes also lvling his drg 62 today grats going fine you get 75 in no time, really hope you might get time before you have to get in the military. Otherwise see DM mostly as rdm and pld, blue and blm are some also that are coming out and also sam then im not sure exact what more he have or not have.

Yes we will get your Koggelmander (or how spelled) well we try stuff really need to drop now but we learned well how to handle the nm for that MMM and also our dagger tries, so who will be first ? for a weapon? YOU Me trista or Brizzy? hope we get any of them soon.

Hmm yeah we was about do more ZNMs and also try some of the past ares ANNMs then time i think.

ENM works also and see if we can kill that Xknife nms (should be not to bad tho).
All in time and yeah lol i do have my events damn lol game are really so busy lol hard make all of things hehe.

Oh yeah also got the Nyhl isle gear i got from DMs static ( i been filling in then ppl been away) thx for the gear guys very nice and happy and all the floors and weapons, hope to crown all with some ws also now =) Oh yeah Cogilas group got me goli body thx not to forget.

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