söndag 5 juli 2009

Step Brothers - Deyon

One of my swedish friends on game but did make friends on game and not before as some i had before start play.

Meet as i was on my Hume Mule Snyggingen (its a very swedish word), so got asked are you swedish and said yeah. So thats how we meet made friends and started talking hehe.

He lives in another swedish town i never had been to (have now and very fun meet him and his family). He plays and his girl and his neighbour also, very nice and cool ppl and had some fun times with them also on game. Deyon Charlotta and Tribez.

One more funny fact also was we found out we have the same birthday may 18th lol, not same year but not far from either really funny how you meet ppl on chance like that and find things like that out.

They also formed a swedish cop team with 2 of my friends from here and got some missions done, nice work friends =)

Deyon got Drg 75 as first job and now also got whm there and are currently working on blm 73 now i think, and he have some plans for it sounds fun and will be fun see how he does=).

Dey are a good friend that really also like to tease and poke, but a good guy at heart. Hope to go meet him and rest this summer again alway fun times. last time we had a FFXI lan party kinda lol 5 ppl playing FF hehe at his place.

He also wants to get sky acces but harder nowdays then ppl not do the missions as much but we will see what we can get done. He joined my dynamis and got some stuff so he tried some end game things.

Still think he mostly solo campaign or play with his mate charlotta mostly, as long its fun why not hehe.

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