fredag 17 juli 2009

Iron Man - Izman

And heres Izman yes lol meet this very good PLD in versus he tank anything and everything thenever and yes he most likly stand alive after.

Really Iz been a funny guy to get to meet hehe reallya joker and always funny comment both on game and on vent makes fun of all himself included mr Arkansas.

Izzy main tank for versus and yeah prolly be to end of town even if he have a great war or also got blm 75 now then think of it not sure he have any more than his bst 75 4 jobs not bad and yeah hes super pld good person learn tanking from.

Iz been very helpful for me with tips on his ways of tanking, the izman style. We all have our own but yeah Iz sure have some good that works for him and recent was impressing see his fire resist setup, Suzako couldnt nearly even hurt him with 2hr chainspell very nice iz and knowing you your prolly work on next project. Also heard you say you maxed iron will works very well cool even if not think imma go that way.

Iz also a usal helpful person if time allow. Iz helping me on bst also lending out some nice itmes and giving me some tips helping me make my way for be a good bst also hehe.

Oh yes thanks Iz also for donate me ORB so could get a ingot and now got my ares mask, ill get you a Orb run as soon i got me 30 KS again. Iz really helps friends and ls mates.

He also writes on ring3s blog about pld things yes i should read more about Iz tips. Seemed to be some confusion after first blog, but seems was understand later was after Iz prefrences on pld as job with subs he plays hehe not all possible. Iz prolly never get dancer and blue for pld and why he makes great with the ones he have.

If i would need a tank it ask iz how it goes, yeah im not bad pld but way not as good as iz and lol is /nin lessons can be needed for kitty friend :p

Not sure if iz have any more lvling plannned or he just try fully merit jobs now and hang with his close friends.

Think most ppl like iz with his direct but funny humor and whitty comments.
Iz also tanks for salvage team as war and yeah doing a great job as well hehe hes war are very nice and if i ever lv war id ask is, (well if i lv war 75).

See you soon again izzy maybe in campaign (which you are impressing in and 6k+ xp thats just wow).

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