Yeah so remember we gonna make it to Norg and we enter sea grotto and catch aggro and he goes Ruuuuuuuuuuuun and keep to right not sure ill make it, yeah as lv 30ish i runs like hell and keep to the right. Havent any real clue where i going and so unable aid my friend that keep lose hp....... and after some running suddenly Zone and im in Norg first time. And to my relief soon after a alive galka enter zone also lol the fun times. Get my ninja job and start the quest for sam =)

Dagmar also a memeber or my very first ls Windurst Star Legion and on ls static team which i was whm for =)

Told Dag that Dagmar are a swedish girls names and usally now only older ones still have it lol.
He didnt know and just had picked some he thought be cool Like Dagmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar to shout, well prolly more cool there not as cool here but hes a cool guy.

Lol yeah so much we done over years in ls help out etc .

Thx man for all great times they was many sorry you quit but that do happens but who knows maybe you pop back a day stranger things have happend still have a great life =)

Dag also was one of those high lv guys you ask for help and advice as he had done so much things and had more higher lv pals hehe. some alotta diffrent now after reach 75 and not with just one but more but then start game out so much was diffrent and in some way more fun, so much new all day to find learn. I still learn stuff on game and have fun just in another way not less fun just other way of fun hehe.
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