torsdag 30 juli 2009

Red Scorpion - Tohmane

One of my swedish friends on game we meet in party and after like 6 hrs party think i said some in swedish at end or some and we found out then half party been swedish all time. How it are be swedish here talking english and have not a clue if guy next to you are also swedish lol.
Well made friends and found out he lives like way north of me its ok toh lol.

We made more swedish friends over the years and helped each other out even if we nearly not shared any ls or event things but we dont some random missions nm etc teaming up or just end up in same thing lol.

not sure whats on toh agenda at the moment know he have had alot more rl last year and so all that you need take care of and do hehe.

Your a funny fella and also helpful mostly then you get some time over yeah lol arent that the problem we all have to fit things in a time slot that are free lol.

Toh always try evade stuff lol man your drk thats not your skill its make damage up front and usally get smaecked for it lol lv ninja or thf mr wanna evade lol (still we cats are kind evasive tho but you can make it better).

You got some more 75s Drk and yeah more its real hard keep track of all friends and lvs lol only have like 200 on flist :p can i get more SE? yeah goals for mr north toh are hard to say he study again and trying make his ff carrer as we all its the usal struggle and would be surprised if the come smack Maat yellow and blue also gogo man, and hey we really should meet a day maybe at Deys? yeah we got a loooooooooooooooooooong country but who knows or we all get to stockholm for a beer coffe or something.

OK cya on game sure we end up do some things again hehe and thanks for that pup fight help was a fun easy fight man =)

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