Me Shanelle, Jazira and Vaulade gets on with our static and pics up smokie for help and some other guy, seems we are about try kill Gesshop the Yag ohh shit lol we try but mess up and smokie dies at first Aoe and soon after Shan lol it end in wipe even if we hold out oh np no xp loss and we now can make a better strat lol.
OH yes works alot better now and tanks it good we have some deaths on way but we come around on the end and i and Jaz saves the say WIN!
So what to do more today after haveing some trouble chose i jump on my sch 24 and try my luck on getting a party takes like 10 min sweet qufim island, well we soon find they are weak so we move over to jungle and start gank plants little slow first as we are 23-25 party but soon comes around then ppl get lvs, Orz me and blm nuke them to ashes hehe get a bit beat up but np manage get 26 before ppl start leave and finally party fall apart np.
Junin wants me and Esor (that finally stopped dc) for Spice Gals and Monarch Linn Enm and the other Mamet quest. We heads over fast gets key item as we still have a scale, 2xsmn sam and blm smokes the 2 Mamets easy win hehe, then Fire in the sky ENM even more easy as Astral flow bps destroy the mobs easy extra xp =).
Then done Annaka ask me for doing Sandy Escort sure more xp never hurts, Esor have to leave so we hunt a 3 take a bit but we raids Eldieme, some japs runs along and takes out nearly all mobs as help very nice of them so goes fast and very smoooth.
Xp goes now to my Pup as its kinda hard get a party for xp scroll better than nothing hehe.
Esor back again so we head for skill and break her trial dagger in my Damn GS skill goes slow slow but im trying, midd skill Lea gets on say Shiki pop soon so we paus runs over all good for Esor that just have her weapon break =)
WOW zone are full with PPL shit we hope for tod as will be hard claim, but lol Esor claims on refresh and we kill it even with some adds but no drop ; ;
OF to try get my GS last skills and also lv npc more, tired and miss Esor get to turn in weapon lol i get beat up by some stell shells (show why you should take care then tired on game) well Esor sweet and finds a whm r3 oh nice and also get the other wiped party not far from me and we ally up with them and skill some more before bed time. GS 246

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