After break ill get Summoner and heads to Ifrits Cauldron and helps Deyon farm a key for Drg AF body Lea tags along also and we go play ball with the bombs in the area Bang Bang or self detruct. We have no luck but Yin and Vaully get on and are willing come help Deyon on Drg helm in Temple of UGG, Rael pops over also as whm.
We meet up at temple and clean room and kill the nms was easier than i remember from then i did them but as long we get done im just happy lol. Grats for Deyon and Drg Helm ill help farm key another day.
Now we head for Fe'yin and whm body nm for Lea, ill change to PLD as rest tele over. We meet at the entrance there we get asked by a blm help on rdm nm MIser murphy for hat and sure we say so we get in and kills both nm nice nice.
So nice helped with 4 AF today =)
Waits for Limbus later, which i get asked to ge blm for and it s repeat from the run we only lost the boss on more blm helps burn down mobs alot faster this time hehe and we win this time np at all =) OMega soon again hehe and 3 more coins to me today.
Assault are our first try at Nyehl ISle one, very confussing and we try learn as good we can, we give up after we realise we have to read up more or get some hints from other ppl.

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