But then again also have times of then all goes right and luck are one the side and that are what me and Esor have had like the last week and little more =)

Started With our Dynamis Qufim win oy yes that was sweet and i got Sumnoner Pigaches on that run also =)
In bettween runs and other event we here also skilled esors Dagger and sword and got her to new ws Savage Balde and Evisceration gogo hun =)
Next Dynamis was my Turn Get the Duelist tabard that i wanted since i started doing dynamis =)
After that we finally aquire the last part for crafting the Kyudogi for Esor and me, definatly mostly Esor tho will have it =)
Ill get my final things and can Turn in my Blm hat and some days later get my first +1 AF "Wizard's Petasos =)
Next dynamis i get a Abyss Curaiss and that for low bid and im 3/5 drk now to lv it from 37 and up hehe
Versus makes a Bomb ring run faster and i get the Bombring oh nice sweet!!!
Esor Blue and my brd gets out and we jumps from 63 to 65 in one great lvling day
Next Dynamis valkrum which we lost horrible alot Whooooooooa we have not strat and Kicks and WIN yay only Dynamis tavnazia now, and Esor have great luck and her Saotome Koshi-ate drops also.
And just now we beat MIthra bcnm for her so she are closer to sea way to go us and we have had some good times and luck =)

Thank you Akanea Kauna for the help and grats to Esor and Toashin
We got Snoll mangled also later omg its so much easier now lol its silly but well ppl wont get stuck there as much now =)
Thanks to everyone that helped make this and just been part sometime game just are great !!!!!!!
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