Bloody pissy ruby quad making me waste a piss amount of time before i finally can get it killed and pass it lol just very annoying as really just wanted pass it oh well get the quest done oh yes can get her the last lvs now and Esor old me how to work on the gears so thats next also.
Nothing to start now so heads of to Sealions Den oh well about a hour early np tho park me there and checking social shell if anyone pops on really are a slow day lol, and write a part on my blogg as hasent much lately.
Some 30 min later puts on Versus shell to be rdy then ppl start pop in there opps lol they have started ahed of time and are in sea ohh shit early start gotta head on over.
Camping for IXDrk today darn this are as boring pop nm as some other stuff gotta wait for some message to pop on anyone then killing the mobs lol well Achi are back and are keeping up the convos again about well everythings and cool Pot have finally got his Sch 75 not that im all sure what the spells do yet but they looks nice and guess gonna have to check how they are.
After long time the darn NM pops and we kill no really problem some ppl det downed but our medec take care of the situation and we make a win och yea time of to Gank us a Justice jailer.
Omo shocks Rai and have him come Blm hehe well blm are really needed to kill the pets that crlm keeps pulling and all goes fairly well had been more great if not Elf beat it twice for the team Elf your awesome blm (maybe i should ask for some lessons).
Justice die only the virtue and weapon drop no torque yet damn, get to lot on the weapon not my luck today rai get nice for him.
Now of to Limbus stays blm as they might need me to and well save them wating for my changing anywas new area at least for me we go on working our way up and deaths are few until last floor and Behemoths that starts with flat the blm out *Road kill kitty* we get down to the last one and tries our best to gank it before times up but its 13% still then times goes out damn on a otherwise good run i think. (little sad it run late so many ppl had to drop of before end).
Lots of Coins so all get 7 except poor Glacian but im sure Omoi keps records on that and he will get a extra next run or something =)

D2s ppl out and get me over to wardens to see whats up, Esor just pops back about same time and ask me to help duo some Avas for some friend of a friend oohh ok sure time get my rdm/nin and head over to Gank Shiva Me and esor have not problem with here as rdm/nin x2 and some Whm back up from Rowanne the lv 15 smn just watch from safe distance and yes a clean kill more gils lol then of to Garuda. OPPPS Row get overun by a crab train in Kuftal comfort at leas die right next to a whm lucky as rr had worn, we get our asses to Garuda and kills no realy problem only me tired and at end hit convert umm not good then mob are hitting you lol i drop but np for Esor to kill lol win.

makes way back im way to tired and feel of the sickness to do more so i have to get to bed by all friends and cya tomorrow =)
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