torsdag 16 oktober 2008

THF coffer

And here i am trying get my coffers as thf ouch demons are meand but im a shit so kinda should end like this anyways><

2 hrs ish later coffer finally but pops mimic with skeleton key and i get killed

and then friend get killed also.............

ok im shit ty you for trying and i kill you

2nd day no AF or keys

Well and then tried party my dancer that went to crap also >< day bad bad bad >< one of the worst for long

2 kommentarer:

Lanielan sa...

H'OMG~! @-@ It looks cold there, toos. ;-; I'm surry~

*Makes j00 some mittens*

Now your hands will be warm~! :D Even after rigamortis~! XD

Darkdawn sa...

lol yes you know how to keep hands warm thankies then shelly