onsdag 4 februari 2009

Love Actually

Sky day and kirrin so stuff away blm gear and get thf for some campaign and party with friends first and make smn ready for later.

Campaign goes a bit slow but make 5.8k never bad then join my rl friends for some partying hehe a all swedish party fun fun and goes well.

Then time get smn butt to sky and do some farming 4 smn really kicks some as on the nms lol we det Despot fast and get call MG up so we get that ball and crush it and then back to steamcleaner and lol yeah we get lucky and get that also so very nice drop day hehe.

Then todays surprise no kirin , its Love actually JOL day not bad think some complain its ok i just lol get some problems change as lol didnt think id have to sorry took time just wasnt ready. Jol goes ok i guess dumb pets one shot me sometimes as usal urrgh . But in end we get some nice drop Novio and Love halbeard and hmm now im not sure but think we got torque also. Grats shanelle on Novio grats to rest i missed who got in all confusion then AV raped you guys lol.

Of for Einhjar and lol damn yeah got my gear plans screwed of for the day so take more time change wish we get more space this are painful and makes it hard adapt to sudden gear changes.

We do a t3 and goes very well at least from what i see it being my first t3 run fun fun and we win so now i can finally try that little Odin fella rawwr.

after this it gets foggy think i pass out was kinda tired and nose was all clogged up zzz

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