lördag 1 november 2008

Halloween /All helgons dag

Yeah we have out diffrent day dont matter as long ppl have fun anyways =)
Been a hard week get back on game wow sucky much idk why stuff been like it been none i can blame so dont worry its just alotta stuff and all adds up and makes bad October month even more worse. could list im sure 100+ bad things here and not kidding but not gonna do that just lets us try make november better cant be to hard and should it get worse ...... dont really think can but then i i just then i not sure what i imma do......

ON forward with happy mod and hearts join me here friends give support lets us make it all fun and joy now =) (looking froglike are always funny even as annoying then it happens)
*HUGS from DD* and hope to here some nice back from friends and some else will be nice feel free send me a tell on Odin say some nice =)

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