onsdag 26 november 2008

Skadi Feet

Oh yes nice got my skadi feet in weekend finally my first salvage gear always feels nice get your first of something hehe and also think i learned it better now even if can make more of it im certain. Lol sure the guy might have some saying about my performance but at least are better at get my cells hehe and do remember alotta runs and tactics by now =) and know my roles mostly rdm brd or drg and had the odd runs as whm and drk hehe. all depends on what jobs really are good in there.

Happy for my feets now to try on ranger and i guess they make most for my upcoming cor (just hit 69) and thf in making (still 52).

Thank you all for help get me it.

And here you have me as ranger trying my new feets out hehe will be nice macro in and out with scout socks. And what you like the fashion shots?

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