tisdag 23 september 2008


Yeees Dark knight reached 75 and that now also means i realised i have 10
75 jobs opps what happend was fast sorta and fun lol. kinda hard realise i made half the jobs to 75 and rest are 37 or more might go for some more or who know maybe i take a break from game a day. Alot i wanna do still and spend some time with my loved friends and have more fun thanks Biblo Lea Kant smokie elex for last night stick with me for 75 happy happy mithra. Then i even thx omo for let me try it out on limbus but ors was i tired.

Been that alotta last week its the autum that setting on trying sleep right and now taking some meds again really screwed up my sleep cant sleep sometimes and some times i just pass out sorry everyone i try but its hard and just not control all time of it........

75 DRK so end this with a happy happy face =)

4 kommentarer:

Lanielan sa...

Wowie-zowie~! XD

You are a busy, busy bee~ Uhuhu. :3

Congratulations on DRK~! X3 You always post the cooliest piccus on here. ;w; They are suu fun to look at~ *Pets the one wiff the Ladybug in eet*

Darkdawn sa...

lol thank you pine and good you are enjoying them

JESS sa...

Crazy stuff.....10 75 jobs .... and congrats on DRK 75 ;)

Darkdawn sa...

hehe thank you Jess and lol yes i realised that myself then i got drk close lol