Dancer been doing well helped my friend monday get 75 Grats RIV and my dancer got 38k in progress yay 68 and new weapon and gears now i kinda need get me more dancer advice as im still a nub and kinda been lazy doing /nin should prolly try /sam and maybe some more gear options did at least get me the Cobra gear will be intresting see how those are in party. BIB lets Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty!!!

Dancer 75 this year then id hope lol had no plans but level sync are fun and makes all easier and can avoid imps even if i actually had a dancer party there and wasnt at all as bad you can think (still dnc have weak spot on the JAs),
I love my dancer even if i hear ppl call it waste of space on parties due to they say give mob to much tp gain, makes crappy damage and in general arent just good in party, well i kinda love the eva down from steps and good party i can ws and make 450+ dancing edge well thats far from drk rng and more jobs 1k+ damage but still it arent that bad. Haste/drain/aspir bonus are some i do like and well ppl if you like the job do lv it dont get ppl get you down.
I also say all jobs are good and can be partied and benefit even bst! PPL take care out there and foremost HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!