Gets on later and finds that sky are promy climbs oh shit 30 gear and job hmm guess dancer as gear are on me lazy not wanna mule meh Esor wont be until later also.
Esor on yay she sold some more nice, wating for skypromy now i meh missed and got there 2 hrs early its defintaly a meh day today oh well better tomorrow maybe go lv Pup and drk with esor later we will see.
Finally time for promy climb with sky ls full ally so goes smoth up all 3 ones none dies and we kill the few agros esay and all that needs get there key itmes for the Bahmamut v2 fight nice.

cant decide to to what to do after no lvling with Esor she got lv 20 PLD nice so i decide ill go sleep.
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