Now time get some done for Esor she hard to say what she really want as usal so i guess and ask and ask farm as she always out of gils, so we head to Upper Delkfutts tower to farm some gils of Gigas and get some other drops (gets alot of clusters)
Seems i missed some of purpose that was nm pop itmes we was after so i have messed up and comeon wrong job Drg/thf only 2nd time i use that sub ever on Drg. Well to make it short i suck and end up on floor twice and guess umm get Esor killed also ><

well before i can do much Esor hp and are getting back for me shes so sweet and i was gonna say was better i did as was my mess and get her up well she was to fast and gets back and raise me not the best mode on us today guess just such a day well we get down and farm some more gils until Esor warps and Dc or PC dies she have had some problmes and are afraid it gonna break, perfect bad ending to the mess as she cant get on it seems and i wait not much more to do. Today is a shitty day /sigh
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