Time for dynamis Windy have bid for summoner spats and so does 3 other ppl well lets hope we get some
Esor makes it on time good=) sorry she later have a dc day and finally give up but only 1 sam drops so she dont miss that anyway hope better luck for her next time.
Lots of new ppl for run but seems go nice and wow summoner pants drop Leey bets me on lots lol i never lots good against ppl like homan pants and Narshira hands last week (seem the 2 other lotters have dced hmm)
well we carry on and try another way this day hmm, Esor just dc before we have some unlucky deathaga ppl get slept and then mobs pick some of oh well raise ppl and go on and now we get some drops like monster helm and sam pants. And the WOW another pair of summoner spats and only me for the lot YAY i get the pants im so happy =)
Dont matter we makes a giant pull soon after an have a wipe still happy and lol another pair of the pants drops lol so bad for them that have dc but another member gets them always in demand. we have some screw ups to much so no boss today well no problem we just get that next run then.
After run Chika and Pig ask me come help get key for coffer as my 60 ninja not the easy way but are fun and get some xp sadly no key before i need to leave for the try at Cop fight Mamets
I get there slightly late well happens and think jun are in rushed mode or having a bad day oh well just wanted to tell how portal and scales work but guess his run lets do his way. We start kill Wyverns to get scales goes fine until for some reason we are to camp in pop area hmm, well now one pop and i try move to not aggro and of course it aggroes me even if i not even the close one and i die 40 summoner are not hard to get killed and Jun get pissed and blame me for always dying like i can help i always get crazy aggro, like most that know me mobs love aggro and kill me lol(talked with Jun about that later) Well we get some scales and get to the portal and to Monarch Linn and they can try the cop fight.
For some reason it gets a bit bad and summoners take hits from Aoe ws and in end they make a close lose damn but guess we have to try another day no 2nd try as all used 2hr so Shan and me just was there in case np. Me and Jun does then quest/enm Mamet version and wreck the poor mob with Garuda bam bam maybe rip rip and a try again on Bugard with smokie just me have 2hr for smn but we do well and get it to 37% before we wipe oh well free warps lol. As you see me and my friend Shanelle didnt need do much for the coop misson just sit around lol.

Time get my Ninja 61 so take it to campaign and get the 1800 i need nice, then later switch and pair up with Esors Drg and catch up on my Brd to hers blu goes all well and we give up then Esor have some dc due to pc crash. I make a big dodo gonna try skill in a Gobbue but cast Foe Requim instead of sleep orz runs for Esor but lol she are afk and i cant sleep mob so dies oh well shit happens i get a r3 all good and get xp back and more =)
stay on talk little with ppl before i decide get and nap
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