Otherwise lack of information are the problem as always in shell cant even get a answer what next week be, but found out we added VNM to weeks and ppl acts like it been there for years "order are same as always" and adds VNM to weeks, well at least my game didnt get VNM until last monday.
Update was fun and VNM have nice prospect as long ppl not overexploit it right away and just burn ppl out on it, dont it the whole cake at once we will get time do it many times =).
The new weapon thing yeah havent had time try that get guess ill get one started ppl are so hyped lol well as long ppl are happy its good =).
New Avatars intresting and not to hard battles and also some added nice items you can get, and SE made a bigger incentive for ppl finish up TOAU.
SE new theme for year also seems to get ppl get the diffrent storylines done.

Made new CS and fights for WOTG mission and i really like that storyline and cs not gonna spoil it here but go do them really fun and first fight not that hard this time around.
see you on game and remember HAVE a FUN TIME!
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