måndag 29 juni 2009


Event ls with points or attendence or maybe some else....? thats a good question.

Have heard many discussion over the year on this subject. everyone have there own opinion.

As always diffrent systems have diffrent advantages and weakness and then you can mix them.

Biggest problom i see are its very hard if not impossible make all entirely fair.

Why i got on subject today, reason are Dynamis shell just recent changed from point system to attandence system and i got many tells and ppl have some hard times understand it.

Now not gonna rant about ls rules and so on but compared to attendence ls with no points ppl need let go of point thinking and that are hard but try. (we have a index number = expression how much you been to runs and who get prio on lots)

Base a ls on attendence are, as yes shouldnt ppl that really come and do all work get itmes and have some bigger chance than ppl that never comes? Some comes 100% or near some comes 10%, see it as work if you not work full time you get less. (yes i know not all ppl can play everyday everytime, and then we are back to some of what i first said cant be entirely fair but are life fair? always)

And its a limit to max attandence so ppl that start out new can also catch up eventually. Some think that can be unfair but if you want new ppl to ls how motivate them to join if you say they never ever can catch up to rest of members?


Think about as member are ls made for just you or all of the member?
Why are you helping on things you might not want?

Lses are made to get things you cant on your own or maybe be very hard to get on your own. So yes you might not always gain some of do the ls things or get some but hopefully someone get something and maybe next event are what you want and you have chance get some.

Dynamis example can be ok you got all you want from citys so you dont really need them and maybe not wanna go. But other ppl still need things there (and ls coins to pay for runs, as in my ls) so need get decent attandence on those runs as well as outlands there ppl usally want more (due to drops was much worse there before).

To run ls you need ppl come on most runs just not them they might want or need some from, its about work together to get ppl there thing and you cant expect gain some each run, ( hopefully you can have a fun and exciting time tho and some nice chatt).

Many ppl only think of what they want and what they wanna do for it thats fine, but if you wanna gain things in a community as a ls you should and need to help out also for all to gain for the common good. Try take joy in get other players the gears they so long wanted and get happy for see you made someones day by show up and help and hey maybe next time its your turn =)

Point ls works usally in some way you get points after how much you been there just another expression how to measure it and yes are sooooooooo many diffrent ways make this, seen alotta diffrent ways over the years and some works better than others.


Ok not gonna state some rules you should or not should have its up to you make your own if you make a event ls, point are its very hard make as fair rules as possible. and everyone have there opinon about it. What can be said about rules are think them through and make them then be ok with maybe revaluate them as you go. Game change, world change so dont be afraid to adjust take away or add new if see fit.

To join a ls. Important!!!

Read rules times and see if they will work for you. If you dont like rules or can live with them dont join same if you see times are bad for you.
PPL seems to forget to read rules then month later get pissed as they now work out for you so yes read them or look for ls with better ones if you dont like or maybe make your own =). And yes you might need make a compromise as can see you prolly never find ls with a 100% match.

And ppl last try have fun on game =)

OMG big text blogg but oh well maybe my litte thoughts help you or better get you to start think! and hey if you want me point more on some of the points just say i can try explain more.

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