onsdag 13 maj 2009

Star Trek

Yes guys liked the movie to and if you not seen go see it hehe.

Sky day slow one, and that means in luck on drops we tried despot other shells got and we got faust and made BB so ok outcome in end. And einhjar was ok also and we got the win on the road to next Odin.

Myself just got my sam 59 and its on the road very fun job might get 75 hehe.

And for you ppl asking about Maats cap yes its in works havent stressed it never have
mnk 50 war 50 bst 50 sam 59. No really not half asing the jobs all are about have fun time. MNk and war still need get AF done then lv more, sam 60 at least first tho.

Go get maats cap ppl just dont half as jobs to 66 whats the fun enjoy the game lol you payed to have fun on your spare time =) havent you?

laters maintenace now "wave"

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