Me and i see now missed add Nanaja to the pic but she are my trusted Wyvern always with me on my Dragoon adventures. Love the job and been very much my foremost DD hands on SMACK SMACK, jump jump killllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!

Me as rdm pimp hat and all going for relic hat and well also love get the darn +1 AF hat but the rdm drops in temenons are scares lol rdm item from apployon was first i got in my first ever limbus run years ago now get the other part for hat ^^

Bard yes singing and playing for salvages mostly and should capp the jobs hey friends maybe some wanna merit someday get me all capped yiha.

Summoner one of my favorites and soon i should also get to duo with shan or trio or more if some more friends wanna rip some mobs appart.

White mage oh yes never died as much as then lvling whm and still lol everytime i get asked come raise i keep die twice silly i know but at least i learned get rr3 on last time i died in Yohatar jungle at 75 yes shouldnt happen i know but my whm have some death curse lol.

Dark knight the latest 75 and still need cap its very fun and i need get back play it more and also work more on my Zerg gear thats fun in dyna well see what happens hehe.

Corsair one of my pending 75 doing static with Mua and wolf very very fun i love the job and AF looks awesome will be so nice get 75 and also catch some relics hehe. try it guys are fun fun be pirate!!!

Paladin my old workhorse tank and still end game new especially as pld/nin i need training on that but dynamis was fun as pld main tanking lol.

Dancer yes a job i really like was very cool new job from SE was surprised how fun and usefull it are got hooked get it 37 so here i am nearly 72 and yes it will get 75 really enojoy it much =)

My loved ranger yes ranged jobs i so loved since started rpg so was my first 75 meele kind of job just loves it and cant wait to get back to later and maybe a job i want a relic weapon for but need the gil for others just now so just take out at time but ranger DD will get back be so sure =)

Ninja hehe had alotta nice time as ninja and im at least decent not great but i usally manage and have fun even if should prolly try get more on it and keep train and lol yes need get more better on end game on it fun job and im very happy for my koga body now =)

Black Mage yes my first ever 75 done so much get so much over to much so tired of tried take break forced back been to much but managed get of some now feels better again gained some new like novio and yes blm are combacking just dont stress me on it i really wanna find the fun blm ways again,i will just need soem breaks at times (do have other jobs also so pains get to much blm at times)