tisdag 15 juli 2008


And for Shel and Invy as yo liked them more norwegian jokes =) have fun.

Two Norwegian pilots discuss the possibility to fly to the sun.
- It will probably be to hot.
- No, not at all. Vi fly at night.

Den norska badvakten till sin arbetsgivare:
- Det är ovanligt många trevliga badgäster här idag.
- Hurså?
- Minst sju stycken har vinkat till mig.
The Norwegian lifeguard to his employer:
- Its unusally many nice people here today.
- why you say that.
- at least seven have waved at me.

Why does the Norwegians walk in the middle of the road?
They are afraid of the wildflowers on roads edge.

2 kommentarer:

Lanielan sa...


Those're aweeesooome~~

I like the Sun one. X33

Darkdawn sa...

hehe thank you shel ill add more soon again hehe =)