måndag 30 juni 2008

Tanky tanky oooooh shit

OH and the football final made like all germans dissapear for the dyna run lol left was 21 ppl and i got the assiagnment as main tank as PLD lol and i never even been in dynamis as PLD before and now be the only tank for ls well time to learn i guess.

Dynamis Beu today and wow yes i do much better than i thought and only die once 15 min from end lol big pull lotsa mean stuff and we wipes lol but im very happy i did as good as i did and i also got my SMN body drop good day, but yes i can learn more about tanking dyna and id really wanna try go as PLD again =)

YAY 4/5 on smn relics yes i want my first set on relics also a day but i not as lucky as like Elf that get all he wants from dyna very easy lol i have to fight for like every part i really want lol still want my first dynamis Xarcabard drop after all years i done Dyna now.

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