måndag 22 februari 2010


And it comes up again !!!

You spelled or talk english wrong you suck, yes i know and guess we that arent born with english arent as good ppl and shouldnt bother use it as we will never please the english ppl or we will never be as good. We spell bad have dumb habits come from strange places and prolly are terrorists as we do sounds strange talking it. To be honest also never remember get this from british ppl mostly always are NA and usally amercains, well i cant explain i guess to them it might no ever be possible master english so much and get all accent of.

Its really tiresome explain we do talk swedish and write english in sweden and its our first langauge and then ppl dont seems to get that in the end also. I heard the same from ppl in other none english natural countries.

I do have alotta NA friends and other ppl from other countries and like them most ppl over there are just regular ppl even if so many here think bad of US alotta.
They are loud abnoxoius and dumb and its there fault we have so much terrorists and micrsoft that ruins everything and so it goes one. They cant see its just ppl that lives in US also not just warmongers and assholes as they think. But i guess ppl just like be mean and try put other ppl down, i dont like it would been nice if we can be friends and live in peace but yes that seems like a impossible task.
At least some ppl here see US less as the big bad devil now as you got the new president and not the one that was more taken as a big dumb as and laughed at and your nation with it.

I still like see and talk to my friend NA african asian or wherever they may be from.
Hugs to all my friends i bet you know who you are.

Ill try make my best not bother ppl with bad english and stuff and guess talk with them that more care being friends than how i spell wrong at times.

Maybe you all can learn swedish then ?

And lol post also may look even more funny as dced middle of it and lost the better half but tried write about the same again.

Question at end. Why are its so bad we dont talk perfect english and make spelling errors?

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