Yeah Kurre are a old time friend here also, meet here as Madkitty first later on she remade char as Kurre on her own account and before madkitty she had some chars they made her delete guess they didnt like the names maybe kurr can add them in a comment here and you can be the judge lol.
Kurre yeah shes a lady with her opinions and she sure will tell you what you think hehe if she feel like it hehe. Just now not exact sure where meet her might been in windy hmmm well we made good friend and bet was in some party and she talked and we started talk so we made friends at least.
Shes back on game again she as Lea have been away at times at least i havent seen her around all times hehe but nice have her around.

She reached 75 blm her only 75 so far i think but she works on more like blue that are near 50 and af time, reminds me should check my blue so we can go hunt spells as duo or more hehe.
Kurr joined wardens but first think was boring and dull (none was on kinda) so she kept out, well one day we had some nutty convos going on i invited her come in and yeah lol think she found out are more as her in here and she seems have a fun time now haha.
Recent house hunt are her ongoing theme, hope you get what you want and get please my friend =)
<3 for kurr we like you as you are in ls hehe dont beat up hubby to bad now lol.
Fun fact are back in days Kurr was one of them that thought i was a girl, yeah umm more than kurr did think that and i didnt try trick anyone or be girlish lol just was me and being swedish may at time be just make friends and treat them the same whatever gender and race etc and lol maybe im just odd lol. Guess some was the fact that i not hit on her like apparently most guys do as soon they find a girl play videogame really are silly lol.
She found out as ppl in ls called me he and she was in tells "umm why he call you he?" i was like as i am?
think i got a lol back and she explained she thought i was a girl really funny and we still are same good friends (that was years ago now btw).
Hehe gogo kurrr kurre dut friend hugs.