tisdag 14 april 2009

Black Knight

Yes long Overdue but i got all parts for my Ares body some timne ago and thanks to Darkmercenary i could get all the items needed to get my body (owe you man) Many thanks to DM.

And Many thanks to Ring3, OMo, Iz, Hir, Nf, Kallo, Q, Cel Blaize and rest that been on team CIBSalvage thanks all and hope get get alot more things in future now =) and Kallo yes you will get your boots im sure prolly then i get my ares legs.

Thanks rest i know for grats and that and cheering on thank you love you all =)

and wb to game Beeli

1 kommentar:

Lanielan sa...

Thankies, thaaaaankies. <33 ^-^ Ish muchly appreciated~! *Huggersh*