tisdag 27 januari 2009


Mystic weaponskills yes i really want mine now so time work on that. As i now had any luck on 2 statics some friends partys and numbers of random of pickups. Im left with Zero floors so lotsa ws points like 14000 each i heard or something more.

Started Rdm one and have dancer and well really hope can get a drg and some else on some random help run (only time i actually won a floor lv80).

Thinking alotta on this and i have had me stressed out and still are perform badly in ls and so on need deal with it. Gonna take time so i might have to stop events until done maybe keep dyna as they just are any other day and well frankly need sets for space.
Also like do some more salvage so can get the missing parts as would suck get left on half a set like i am now.

still thinking how do this but will need do as alotta time bug me and do lessen the play experience alot.

More will come of subject im sure......

4 kommentarer:

Kallo sa...

I know that the climbs from 1 to 100 seem extremely daunting. But, if you put it into perspective, it's really only a couple of weeks of work. 1 Tag equals 5 floors. So, 20 tags (in a perfect world) put you at floor 100. That's just a smidgen over two weeks =)

Darkdawn sa...

yes and i would do them if had ppl do them with even make me a team and do but i really dont know that things enough to get it done in 30 min. I see that after be on succesfully run finally on floor 80 but i never know really what and how do things just tried keep up with ppl and do as was said, sadly enough im not sure how we did it.

and combined tries before getting any floors done are in count on 50 friends now only ask help on drop floors which are nice tho but not help me anywhere soon.
And i want just to get ws so can use them doing events salvage etc

Kallo sa...

Yea, in conjunction with everything else in FFXI is what makes it so daunting. But, understanding the real simplicity of it can also bring the size of that feat down. At that point your only real problem is screwed with bad luck on the floors =)Hope you find a good static to help bring you through it ^.^

JESS sa...

.....see me on Wedsdays and Saturday days we can do points ;)