torsdag 4 december 2008


Dynamis Jenou tired as hell dont really remember much of the run more than was a sloppy one oh well happens i guess (did nod of at times so tired), took nap after very well needed. Then back for try on blu seek party always so fun but today was such bad seek day. Get party and on way get opps they invited someone else sorry oh well do happpen. Then get another party and its seem be ok and pl and so of to CN then lead dc and pl (guess dual boxing) so yes party split. just one of those days nothing works. Shan at least have some party for sch and get some lvs and Esor get party right as shes back from mostly afk even if she had seeked all time.

Seek more and then Esors party end she have no means get out so i take of help her not much to do seeking anyways lol, get her out and she want to get some more xp killing some mobs so i decide just join a few with blu can try get a spell or 2, and thx hun for the help i get 2 more spell feels good and get Digest finally it just didnt want for me before. So end of day are good makes it feel better . Imma try more blu later or well see some duoing bst with shan =)

Have fun out there even if a day are bad slow sad or so better will come im sure will and just never forget your good friends they migth bring a smile to you =)

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