Yes i want to do both and there lies the problem......
This are the thing that make me sad on game and more really not fun and so sorry you friends it have hurt or so then i get unhappy of it just cant find a way to win.
Background Had 2 Nyzul isle statics and to short sum it up we never got closer than a floor 4 to win first 5 floors and random pick ups and friends try also always ended in lose so still stand on 0 floors after idk how many tries, not sure why bad teams, teams that not work or yes of course just can be me that not manage it as i know alot of the former team members now got there wins and floor 100 i think. AS got nowhere i took break and happend get into salvage which i just had tried 1-2 times with lol very bad outcome but that defintaly was from teams had no clue what was going on.

Now do them with Omo ring and Iz and more not gonna rant name here but thanks all for make them a succes and you guys sure know what to do and salvage are fun even hehe. This was fun so far as i was ok i get some ares gear and who know what more and dont need any askar or so ill live.
Now for the problem they add new weapons with new ws to uclock for jobs and yes i want them or most for my jobs and then i learn you need get them from Nyhl Isle ors, this create problems first of all i need points for salvage and some runs fine and then sometimes make some else and slack points, then we get losses. So how to get the weapons and not ruin my salvage runs kinda hard now to find out how get it to work out as days hard get to work and tags goes for savalge points >< which i need.
Have at least a maybe can jump in on a team if they miss a member maybe get me a weapon and can unlock ws, who know maybe i can get luck and get some really really want Drakesbane and the rdm one. If i can manage get any of weapon i need ill have some job to do about 15k ws each. Wish was a way do both salvage and nyel isle efficent best of cours would be quit salvage but i do want the gear and not really wanna quit and i still want the ws as i can really benefit from them. I feel kinda trapped on this subject and it really get me down i know are just a game but still i not know how to chose of these things.
Even if would drop salvage i have no nyel static and sadly i dont know it more than loss way so would be hard start one on my own, lol i can help ppl tell them how lose it the best way, really id so like win 5 floors on that thing i still cant get how ppl manage to and also like they say in just 15-20 min id say its impossible if i not know they arent liers.

Lol found a few pics from one of the Fatal attepmts
Jepp so just keep get back to same conclusion cant win and get them both done and it make me miserable at time and guess ppl seen that not that i told reason most times.
So just writing here to try my best to let some frustration out with being tied up.
why had they do the ws that way it dont feels fair not wanna skip my salvage due to that but want some ws........ and im also lost for words on it SUCKS i guess sums much up.
Sorry for rambling and the sad post but just trying make bad situation better which idk if will be any better but i try.
HUGS for Esor sorry hun you probably the only that know how bad it made me feel, sorry for all my gloomyness about it are there happy your there to talk to