Also started campaign more again and then mostly as ninja its not to bad for not being 75 and ninja are going up also 75 this year for sure just not feeling like to tank in party at the moment but ill get around to that or lol some friends catch for party hehe.

RDM team for the win on campaign and shanny as honury Mithra!
Ohh yes also got on the joy trying our dancer more lv 40 and AF weapons recent dancees away more more and more will come and cor are standing in wating around the corner.
Mostly got FF time cut back a bit as just got me a short time work money are nice less FFXi cant help that mostly be hard get on late event but ill work some out and come see you at times lol still want to get some item from versus finally so im not out of loop and say hi or tell me thenever always nive here from you ppl do miss you =) and maybe some miss the nuttty kitty meow.