Yes blue blue and more blue working on it and got 46 took some work in the parties soemdays are slow but getting there 50 soon i hope, now gotta ask esor what spell i need for use hehe And here you got my good friend Beeli as bst =)
Windurst rank 10 Captain Zilart Completed Chain of Promethia completed Aht Uhrgan misson completed Wings of the Goddess Done to last update Quests Completed 501
Mithra from the jungle but living in the Fedaration of windurst Crazy about dive into all jobs and try them all out and get gear and learn how to use. Party with my friends and support them on there missions and quest and get me some help also see you on road friend and new possible friend to the fight and the adventure.
2 kommentarer:
I totalleh forgot about teh Miffwa stance change~ XD I look suu casual, hurhur~ >w< *Cheerness~!*
I took a couple piccus too, but forgot tuu zoom in so they look kinda pixely. D; Habuuu~~ Oh wellies. :3 Will post dem soon~
BST FTW~! *Flexes her beastly muscles*
lol always the funny kitty Beeli =)
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