torsdag 8 maj 2008


OMG cant belive this JOL run and as most should know the Love Torque and i get the drop OMG still cant get it really and so happy =)

AND CURSE BROKEN!!!!!!!!!! first time i outlott anyone for Gear Sea/sky/dyanmis/limbus WOW finally and lol was a mayour thing also.

was so tired that day and stayed up late to help all out (less than 3 hr sleep before work) well now i can just say it was more than well worth it lol and also got the Love Halberd (didnt see that at first in the commution) hehe

THANK YOU ALL and all ls im really greatful and now we have to shake out some more torques for the ppl hehe =) Bows for you and thanks for have me join the Ls Omo.

Now as Esor said yes i need learn and tweak my Drg macros, and actually my meele macros, especially the gear/ws swapping onces, i have decent lvling macros but still need get more creative DD macros (lotta change to all the mages macros i have got mostly done by now, always still some place for improvement =)

Just now lost for more words to say about this lol and its still some days after hehe i prolly add more later or post another place, only wanna say just now wish all ls the torques they do want =)

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